

The cost economics of biogas production and utilization technologies depends on the value addition of the products obtained the outputs of the anaerobic digestion process. The generation of bio methane for various applications is a very lucrative option. Defiant Renewables provide innovative pressure swing adsorption (PSA) technology for biogas upgradation to bio- methane.

Requirement for biogas upgradation

  • Not suitable for use in Gensets or as Automobile Fuel as a CNG substitute, without enrichment.
  • The unwanted compounds in raw biogas can lead to engine problems. Required to increase its Calorific Value and to remove traces of harmful gases.
  • In many cases, compliance with environmental regulations to be achieved Transporting large quantities of unusable portions of raw biogas an unnecessary cost burden.

Advantages of PSA technology

  • Simple & seamless operation.
  • Tremendous flexibility of design and operation.
  • Heat less process
  • Utilizes commercially available raw material.
  • Utilizes commercially available raw material.
  • Clean process requiring very less floor area.
  • Dry product gas is produced
  • PSA cycles are much shorter and thus using more adsorbent per unit time.

The PSA process used specially designed adsorbent material. This adsorbent (or molecular sieves) having a micro pore on its surface adsorbs CO2, N2, H2S and H2O molecules selectively under a certain pressure.

The adsorbed gases on the saturated adsorbent is depressurizing. The PSA systems produce the Purified Methane enriched gas continuously by repeating the above adsorption and desorption cycles.